Batman The Enemy Within - PS4 - Game Reviews

Batman The Enemy Within

The story of how Telltale Games went bankrupt hit the headlines in 2019. Now, with its revival, it is time to visit one of its most prolific releases, Batman: The Enemy Within. This game has truly changed the way Telltale does things; we have spent years complaining about how our choices have no bearing on games that advertise that you are in control of the story. So, Telltale finally got the drift and presented us with this masterpiece. Although Batman: The Enemy Within does not get as much love as Telltale’s The Walking Dead series, it still deserves a place among Telltale’s best releases up to date. Here is a breakdown of the story, mechanics, graphics, and our final verdict.


If you have not played the first season of Telltale’s Batman series, then you are in for a surprise. Right off the bat, you will realize that it takes the staples of the Batman universe and turns them on their head. Bruce’s parents are no longer portrayed as the benevolent individuals who have tragically died at the hands of a common mugger. On the contrary, in season one, Bruce discovers that they were actually high-profile criminals who controlled Gotham’s underworld to further their careers and amass a fortune. Of course, this discovery sets the tone of the second installment, since Bruce is more determined than ever to distance himself from his parents’ criminal legacy and prove that he can do good while juggling his life as Bruce and his secret life as the Caped Crusader.

After defeating the Penguin in the first game, another acquaintance makes an appearance. John Doe, whom we’ve previously met in Arkham Asylum, is obviously set to be the big bad of this season. Green hair and a manic laugh, does that remind you of a certain DC villain? However, if you are waiting for John to inevitably turn into the Joker you know and love, you will be surprised by the events that transpire. Actually, you get to control the narrative here by influencing John Doe’s decisions and nudging him in the right, or wrong, direction.

Also, you get to interact with old allies like Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, and Lucius Fox. Nonetheless, Telltale keeps everything fresh by introducing new characters, including Amanda Waller, Riddler, Harley Quinn, Bane, and Tiffany Fox, Lucius’s daughter. As in any Telltale game, your decisions impact how these characters perceive you and how the story progresses. Interestingly, the game does not make the characters reflect their comic book personalities. For example, Harley Quinn is not Joker’s sidekick, because John Doe has not transformed into the Joker yet. Instead, she is an assertive character that is in control of John Doe. You also get to know a bit more about the criminal gang that is called The Pact, Telltale’s version of the Suicide Squad. The storytelling aspect of Batman: The Enemy Within really shines in episode 5, where you can see the culmination of all your choices throughout the previous episodes and, for once, your choices do matter.

Full review on RevYou - Batman The Enemy Within
